



  1. 首先随机选择K个中心
  2. 将所有样本分为K个类,每个类中均为到同一个聚类中心最近的点。
  3. 根据每个类中的点计算新的聚类中心,具体方法为计算一类中每个点的平均位置。
  4. 如果新的聚类中心和之前相比没有变化,或者到达最大迭代次数,结束计算,否则重复到步骤2。



def distance(pos1, pos2):
    """Returns the Euclidean distance between pos1 and pos2, which are pairs.

    >>> distance([1, 2], [4, 6])
    return sqrt((pos1[0] - pos2[0]) ** 2 + (pos1[1] - pos2[1]) ** 2)

def find_closest(location, centroids):
    """Return the centroid in centroids that is closest to location.
    If multiple centroids are equally close, return the first one.

    >>> find_closest([3.0, 4.0], [[0.0, 0.0], [2.0, 3.0], [4.0, 3.0], [5.0, 5.0]])
    [2.0, 3.0]
    return min(centroids, key=lambda x:distance(location, x))

def group_by_first(pairs):
    """Return a list of pairs that relates each unique key in the [key, value]
    pairs to a list of all values that appear paired with that key.

    pairs -- a sequence of pairs

    >>> example = [ [1, 2], [3, 2], [2, 4], [1, 3], [3, 1], [1, 2] ]
    >>> group_by_first(example)
    [[2, 3, 2], [2, 1], [4]]
    keys = []
    for key, _ in pairs:
        if key not in keys:
    return [[y for x, y in pairs if x == key] for key in keys]

def group_by_centroid(restaurants, centroids):
    """Return a list of clusters, where each cluster contains all restaurants
    nearest to a corresponding centroid in centroids. Each item in
    restaurants should appear once in the result, along with the other
    restaurants closest to the same centroid.
    restaurant_groups = [[find_closest(restaurant_location(i), centroids), i]
                         for i in restaurants]
    return group_by_first(restaurant_groups)

def find_centroid(cluster):
    """Return the centroid of the locations of the restaurants in cluster."""
    restaurant_locations = [restaurant_location(i) for i in cluster]
    return [mean([loc[0] for loc in restaurant_locations]),
            mean([loc[1] for loc in restaurant_locations])]

def k_means(restaurants, k, max_updates=100):
    """Use k-means to group restaurants by location into k clusters."""
    assert len(restaurants) >= k, 'Not enough restaurants to cluster'
    old_centroids, n = [], 0
    # Select initial centroids randomly by choosing k different restaurants
    centroids = [restaurant_location(r) for r in sample(restaurants, k)]

    while old_centroids != centroids and n < max_updates:
        old_centroids = centroids
        grouped_restaurants = group_by_centroid(restaurants, centroids)
        centroids = [find_centroid(c) for c in grouped_restaurants]
        n += 1
    return centroids
